Every day thousands of kids miss school because they lack clean clothes...

To fight this growing problem, Whirlpool installed washers and dryers in 17 schools. With specially developed data collection boxes, we tracked correlations between access to clean clothes, attendance and grades.

We found that 93% of participating students increased attendance. 89% of students had increased classroom participation. And 95% of students participated in more extracurricular activities.

AWARDS: Cannes Lion Grand Prix, Gold, and (2) Bronze, Cannes Lion Titanium shortlist, One Show Gold and Silver, Effie's 2 Silvers, D&AD White Pencil

Props to GCD: Mike Frease, Copy: Sam Bordignon

Care Counts Film

Since launching in 2015 the Care Counts program has helped over 40,000 students, in 134 schools in 36 states. This is the original film that launched the entire program.


Social: Notebook paper

Social: Attendance

Social: School supplies

TJ’s Story

In the first year of the Whirlpool Care Counts program we showed how it can have a massive impact on the school and the community. In year two we wanted to focus on one students struggles with clean clothes. This is TJ's Story.


Back to School

At the end of every summer, parents rush to retail stores to get their kids ready to go back to school. But in the hectic pursuit of finding deals and checking off lists, people lose sight of the more simple needs that some families struggle with year-round.

We wanted to call attention to this sad and overlooked issue in a way that would disrupt shoppers in their busy routines – while driving awareness to the Care Counts program.




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