Miller Lite is proudly brewed in Ohio, just like some of our athletes. So, we gave the fans of Ohio a shot at the big leagues. For real. We launched our brand act on teams social channels with 3 outstanding athletes asking fans to show us what they got. We selected a few to come and try out against our pro athlete at the stadiums. If they were able to succeed the tryout they would be named an honorary pro athlete for the day which included a full days pay, team jersey, a bunch of Miller Lite and bragging rights for a lifetime
Props to ACD: Caroline Dunleavy, CW: Fernando Torres/Mike Canella, AD: Eric Thompson
If you’ve searched social media lately you’ll notice #OnlyInOhio is a commonly used meme that portrays Ohio to be an outlandish place filled with aliens and an abundance of weird shit going on. But anyone who is from Ohio has immense pride in their state. So we wanted to take our hashtag back and show what Ohio is really like.